Thursday, February 23, 2006

WIRELESS NEWS: Senate wants unlicensed access in 700 MHz

By Daily Wireless Updates, Power by Cogni360

Daily WiFi News & Updates.- Two new bills circulating in the U.S. Senate would allow WISPs to operate on an unlicensed basis in unused 700 MHz TV spectrum. There's a lot of pressure on Congress right now to allow this because it is seen as a viable way to enable cheaper and easier widespread broadband access for rural and low-income areas. But let's hope Congress won't jump the gun here. The FCC has already been considering rules for this since 2004, but there are some big concerns about interference. Both new bills would force the FCC to move more quickly on concluding those rulemaking procedures and require the agency to craft technical rules and guidelines for those operating on the unlicensed spectrum. For more telecom news go to: Telecommunicate and Daily WiFi News.

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